Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy
To protect the privacy of her distinguished guests is important forEla Excellence Resort Belek.Ela Excellence Resort Belek shows the utmost care and effort in using your information. Despite that, if you get information for any reason, please contact Ela Management so that we can act accordingly.
Private information that comes via web is received by administrator computers limited by special IP filters as per our security procedures, and information is distributed to relavant units of our hotel that offer you services on a need-to-know basis.
Ela Excellence Resort Belek is determined to protect your Private Information.Ela Excellence Resort Belek does everything to take all technical and administrative measures to prevent unauthorized access to, and use or modification and illegal destruction of Private Information.
Ela Excellence Resort Belek in no way asks for Credit Card information of our guests through e-mail or any web form (except the SSL sceens).
We take it into consideration that use of Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) technology is vital in collection or transfer of sensitive information like Credit Card details.
We do the following to protect your information:
We limit access to your Private Information. Your information shall be accessed by only those employees who have to access in order to provide you goods and services.
We process your Private Information on terminals with special access permissions, on which all log on/log off activity is monitored.
We protect and control your information from the Management Console with special passwords and IP limitation.
Below are the services we offer to our distinguished guests who share their personal contact information by becoming a member of theEla Excellence Resort Belek Website and filling in the Reservation, Contact, Career and other forms.
They will automatically become a member of the Ela Card system and relevant Database.
They will receive Ela Bulletin, Info notes and information on various Campaigns before anyone else.
They will be able to fill in forms for permanent jobs or temporary training and update the CVs they have left before.
Accuracy of the membership information is important, because it will be a reference for
We recommend you to define a membership password composed of letters and numerals, keep it securely and change it periodically. We also offer the technological system that will allow our distinguished guests to unsubscribe from membership whenever they want.
Ela Excellence Resort Belek website does not have any links to other websites.
Anyone who visits our website and contactsEla Excellence Resort Belek through some forms or phone or who wants to be contacted and notified are subject to provisions of the Privacy Policy and Terms of Use and has in advance accepted content of these documents.
These Rules and content of the website are copyrighted.